var csPopup = {}; var csHovercard = {}; // Latest opened hovercard var csSlidePanel = {}; $(function(){ csSlidePanel = cs.components().slidePanel({version: 2}); }); _r(function(){ window.___cs.onLoad(); }); function post(url, params, urlEncoded, newWindow) { var form = $('<form />').hide(); form.attr('action', url) .attr('method', 'POST') .attr('enctype', urlEncoded ? 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' : 'multipart/form-data'); if(newWindow) form.attr('target', '_blank'); function addParam(name, value, parent) { var fullname = (parent.length > 0 ? (parent + '[' + name + ']') : name); if(value instanceof Object) { for(var i in value) { addParam(i, value[i], fullname); } } else $('<input type="hidden" />').attr({name: fullname, value: value}).appendTo(form); }; addParam('', params, ''); $('body').append(form); form.submit(); } //TITLE QTIP _r(function() { cs.components().hovercards('data-hovercard', {}); cs.components().titleTips(false, {});'a[data-hash]', {}); // all elements with class js-ellipsis will have dots after texts cs.components().ellipsis(false, {}); }); // custom window.onPushState function for csPager listener // this is handy function that knows when pushState was fired // since there is no default window.onpushstate we created our own (function(window){ var history = window.history; var pushState = history.pushState; history.pushState = function(state) { // Generate a custom event for pushstate var event = new CustomEvent('pushstate', { detail: { state: state } }); window.dispatchEvent(event); // Continue with the normal execution of the default pushState method return pushState.apply(history, arguments); }; // Set up a flag that keeps track if the page's hash has changed // Needed because the CsPager code that sets its own listeners will load asynchronously function trackHashchange(e) { window.___cs.hashlistener.changed = true; } (window.___cs || (window.___cs = {})).hashlistener = { changed: false, clear: function() { $(window).off('hashchange', trackHashchange); } }; $(window).on('hashchange', trackHashchange); })(window); // Make this method available on all pages window.scrollIntoView = function(el, extraOffset) { el = $(el); if ('number' != typeof extraOffset) { extraOffset = 15; } var currentScroll = $(window).scrollTop(), windowHeight = $(window).height(), elOffset = el.offset().top, newOffset = (cs.barManager().obstructedHeight + extraOffset), targetScroll = elOffset - newOffset; if ( currentScroll > targetScroll || // User has already scrolled past the element elOffset > (currentScroll + 0.8 * windowHeight) // Element is below 80% of the window's visible area ) { $('body, html').animate({ scrollTop: targetScroll }); } }